What I'm up to now

Updated 20 August, 2020 from Brooklyn, NY.

Created an independent publishing company for my brother's book "Hallucination Theory"

During the Great Quarantine of 2020, my brother Spencer and I created an independent book publishing company called The Reinforcement after Spencer surprised me with a manuscript for a book that he had written earlier this year. I helped him make some edits, and in June 2020 we published his book Hallucination Theory, which is available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle download.

+ The Internal Election

The Internal Election is a personality quiz that helps you determine your state(s) of consciousness.

Take the quiz, which is really more of a ballot, by creating your own copy of a Google Spreadsheet template. Simply put: you own your results and we have no access to your responses.

Digital publishing consulting

I consult with celebrities, leaders, and other influential and creative personalities looking to build their businesses and brands through Innermost Agency. My specialization is in all things digital video, especially YouTube, and I've been enjoying working with e-commerce businesses as well. I'm always open to having new conversations — get in touch about my consulting work by emailing info@innermost.agency.

Back in Brooklyn

After a very relaxing, calm, and indeterminate amount of time quarantining from the world in New Jersey with my family, I'm back in Williamsburg. New York City is definitely different in a post-covid world but so far, outdoor, street-side "dining" (a.k.a. drinking, after buying a snack) in Brooklyn has been pretty nice.


Something new, based on everything I've learned over the last ten years. More to come.

Read even more about me.

(Inspiration for this Now page)